LabSolutions CS features an innovative operating environment and provides complete data management to ensure secure information in networked laboratories.
IRTracer-100 - Opcije
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
FTIR Accessories & Options
LabSolutions Series
FTIR Spectroscopy Software
Network-enabled as part of the LabSolutions family, LabSolutions IR is furnised with rich spectral libraries and a high-performance search functio as standard. Labor-saving macros provide for a higher level of automation and improved work efficiency.
Related information
EDXIR-Analysis software is specially designed to perform qualitative analysis using data acquired by an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) fluorescencespectrometer and a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR).
An automatic defect analysis system that can be used with confidence from your first analysis. Equipped as standard with enhanced functionality to support analyses.
Measure the Samples Kept in the Holder with EDX and FTIR